Location Calendar
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Game: St. Ben's Gold vs. St. Hilary (St. Benedict)
8th Grade Boys Skyline - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (5:00PM-6:00PM)
Game: St. Ben's White vs. St. Nicholas (St. Benedict)
8th Grade Boys Skyline - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St. Benedict Maroon vs. Sacred Heart (St. Benedict)
7th Grade Girls Lakefront - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (5:00PM-6:00PM)
Game: St. Benedict Gold vs. Sacred Heart (St. Benedict)
7th Grade Girls Skyline - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St. Benedict Gold vs. St. Josaphat (St. Benedict)
7th Grade Girls Skyline - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: St. Benedict Maroon vs. NCA (St. Benedict)
7th Grade Boys Lakefront - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (7:00PM-8:00PM)
Game: St. Benedict Maroon vs. AACA (St. Benedict)
7th Grade Boys Lakefront - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (5:00PM-6:00PM)
Game: St. Benedict Maroon vs. AACA (St. Benedict)
7th Grade Girls Lakefront - 7th and 8th Grade Basketball
Gym, St. Benedict (6:00PM-7:00PM)